Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Last week, YFP received an anonymous post in response to an article titled, "New Evidence in the Dana Rishpy Case". Anonymous indicated that YFP misrepresented the facts. YFP would like to state the following:

To Anonymous:

Thank you for your interest in the Rishpy case. YFP is not attempting to indict Matthew Walshen in it's reporting. And yes, there are discrepancies in the Mexican newspaper reports of the Rishpy incident. For example, there are several variations of his name i.e. Wilson, Wilshin, Wilshing, Walshen. There are also several discrepancies as you indicated regarding his "abandoned" car. However, there are also discrepancies in regards to your account of Matthew's involvement.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "NEW EVIDENCE IN RISHPY CASE": It is also your responsibility as a "citizen journalist" to check facts before you spread the same unsubstantiated slander that Por Esto and the other local papers "report".

1)His last name is not Wilson (it is Walshen) and he is NOT the same person mentioned in the report linked above about a gang/drug bust.

2)His truck was not found "abandoned", it was found in front of the house he rented, where everyone in town knew he lived. The police broke the window to the truck to search it. He also bought the truck 3 WEEKS after Dana went missing and 3 WEEKS after he had contacted her parents to tell them she had disappeared.

3)He contacted her sister and her parents when she never showed up at the cabana they were sharing. He has been in contact with them and told them everything he knows. They have his full correct name, phone number, and email if they want to contact him for further questioning.

4)In the time between when he contacted her family and reported that she had not come back to the cabanas for her stuff, and the time when the cops showed up in Tulum looking for him, he was in the local grocery store every day, riding his bike around, talking and meeting with all kinds of people. He was very visible and clearly not hiding. He rented an apartment 50 steps from the main road in town and was seen in broad daylight in the main shopping center on a daily basis.

It is not yet known what happened to Dana, and everyone in this very small town feels very sorry for her and her family. We all hope she is found soon. Matthew should come forward and I think he will soon, but people should also remember that there is a very different legal system here, where the burden of proof is on the accused. Just because someone is wanted for questioning does not mean they are guilty or have even been charged, and it is certainly not responsible or fair to try him in the press as you seem to want to do here. Posted by Anonymous to Your Free Press at June 7, 2007 3:20 PM

YFP Response:

1. He did not contact Dana's sister.

2. He contacted Dana's parents 7 days after she was missing. She failed to return to her cabin

between March 30 and March 31st. Matthew called her parents on April 7th.

3. Dana and Matthew did NOT share a cabana. They only met on the same day that she


4. YFP is not making a judgment concerning Matthew's involvement. He and his supporters

are welcome to use this forum to express their views. We sincerely want to hear his side

of the story. That is only fair!

Dana Rishpy is still missing. It has been two months now. Matthew Walshen is missing also.

His friends are concerned for him. Dana's family keeps vigil. Someone out there has the answer.

You know who you are. Write us.......

See Dana's photos at

Click on Dana's video at:


Unknown said...
Spanish news article states that Dana Rishpy is in Honduras with Matthew Walshen

Anonymous said...

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Ubican a Dana Rishpy y Mathew Ryan en Belice
Sucesos | Tulum

2007 El procurador de justicia del estado, Bello Melchor Rodríguez Carrillo, informó, en entrevista con Noticaribe, que de acuerdo a las investigaciones realizadas por agentes de la dependencia en el vecino país de Belice, se corroboró con testigos que la turista israelí Dana Rishpy fue vista en una de las playas del sur del país junto Mathew Ryan

“Habíamos hecho investigaciones en el norte de Belice, pero no habíamos obtenido ningún resultado favorable, sin embargo, algunas personas señalaron que sí habían visto a Dana por lo que solicitamos a las autoridades de Belice que permitieran a nuestros agentes internarse más en su territorio”, precisó el Procurador.

Detalló que la propietaria de unas cabañas ubicadas en Cayo Plasencia, aseveró que la turista de 24 años, reportada oficialmente como desaparecida desde el 25 de abril, en Tulum, estuvo hospedada en una de sus habitaciones, y hacía un par de días había partido a Honduras.

“La dueña de las cabañas aseguró, de forma categórica, que la muchacha había estado hospedada en una de sus cabañas, incluso nos mostró la habitación, y la propia Dana le comentó que cruzaría en lancha hacia Honduras, pero regresaría la próxima semana a Belice”, precisó Rodríguez Carrillo.

El titular de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE), mencionó que la turista permaneció en Belice hasta principios de esta semana, añadió que igualmente, con base en las fotografías mostradas, fue identificado el turista norteamericano Mathew Ryan, como el acompañante de la israelí. “Sí es el acompañante, aunque su barba es más crecida”, agregó el Procurador.

El Procurador destacó el apoyo y las facilidades otorgadas por las autoridades beliceñas, que acompañaron a los agentes investigadores de la PGJE, y señaló que se estaban realizando las gestiones necesarias ante sus similares de Honduras para localizar a Dana Rishpy.

Lo anterior ya fue notificado a los padres de la turista, Tror y Dannia Rishpy, quienes arribaron a Cancún desde el 3 de junio, para conocer de cerca las investigaciones que se estaban llevando a cabo; igualmente la información fue comunicada al representante de la embajada de Israel, Mark Stern. (Noticaribe)

Junio 13, 2007 10:28 PM | Enlace permanente | Recomienda este artículo | Palabras: 348

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Publicado por: Juan | Junio 14, 2007 06:55 PM

Lo que pasa es que la dueña de las cabañas hondureñas es la prima de un amigo , que tambien le confirmo al procurador que los canadienses asesinados en el Barcelo eran mafiosos y fue un trabajo por encargo.

Publicado por: Pablo D | Junio 15, 2007 10:16 AM

En efecto, la confirmacion de la duena esta en duda.

Publicado por: Anonymous | Junio 17, 2007 12:20 AM

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Entradas recientes
Reabrirán el caso Simone Renda
Desalojan a familia con violencia
Desconoce procurador cuánto se han gastado en búsqueda de Dana
Pagarán utilidades en abonos
Detienen a vendedores de droga
Buscan evitar el carpetazo al caso del italiano Simone Renda
Revisarán lío límitrofe con FCP
Dejaría la custodia del monolito
Regresan a Belice por Dana
Ofrecen concesiones por aportar dinero al rescate de playas
Comentarios recientes
Ubican a Dana Rishpy y Mathew Ryan en Belice
escribió: En efecto, la confirmacion de la duena esta en dud. . .

Responsabilizan a dos mujeres del asesinato de turistas canadienses
mp3 ringtones escribió: Good site. Thank you!!! . . .

Elegirán a Miss América Latina
Annia escribió: la mejor es la de MEXICOOOOO !!! esta super bonita. . .

“¡Soy una descarada!”: María Rebeca
sivnlk yfxvuh escribió: uhzg jwmy khjf tmrczgs jziykvbe xbkoczu olcyiemb. . .

Con exhibiciones de break dance se ganan la vida siete inmigrantes

Pone Elizondo a la Riviera Maya como ejemplo de lo que no se debe hacer
El chivo expiatorio escribió: ESO ES UNA REALIDAD, EL CABILDO A PROBO LOS CUATRO. . .

• : En efecto, la confirmacion de la duena esta en dud [entry]
• Pablo D: Lo que pasa es que la dueña de las cabañas hondure [entry]
• Juan: Como es posible que la mujer puede viajar sin pasa [entry]
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Anonymous said...

no se si sirva pero hace poco me entere del caso por un periodico de mexico y google a matthew ryan wilson, el tipo tiene un juico en california por pertenecer a un drug-deal gang osease el desgraciado puede que sea delincuente... hijo de puta ojala encuentren a dana y maten a este cabron

Anonymous said...

Claro que la policia esta involucrada, segun la Sra, Olga se hizo un reporte en playa del carmen donde esta quien lo escribio porque no lo publican, sientan que es una familia desesperada por su hija, traten de ponerse en lugar de Dana drogada en contra de su voluntad perdida en la inconciencia. Nunca he visto a una persona drogada o que se siente estar drogada pero debe ser algo horrible sigan insistiendo y a esos hombres tanto Matt o a ese Hungaro saqueles a verdad aunque les arranquen la unas y a ustedes policias ponganse a hacer su trabajo ayuden a familias como estas en desgracia Mucha suerte

shysmile said...

... I read the comments at the bottom of the article, and now I'm quite confused; how in the world does purchasing real estate in Costa Rica relate in any way to a missing person? If you comment on an article it should at least be related to said article.

* To 'anonymous' and YFP, your comments both contain affirmations that contradict each other, so in favour of the 'news should be facts, free from the influence of personal opinion' ideology, perhaps you should at least indicate the lack of resolute, and universally agreeing facts in your posts. (example: "3)He contacted her sister and her parents when she never showed up at the cabana they were sharing." posted by anonymous, and "1. He did not contact Dana's sister. 2. He contacted Dana's parents 7 days after she was missing. She failed to return to her cabin between March 30 and March 31st. Matthew called her parents on April 7th." posted by YFP)
Anonymous's statement leads its reader to believe that immediate action was taken, but YFP's statement informs its reader that the effort to contact family was not in fact an immediate one. Both sources, however are adamant that their statement is true, so shouldn't the article, at the very least, warn that reports on the story are not universal, and there is difficulty in determining what truly occured, as a result of such differentiations, and since the guilty party has not yet been officially caught. The article could then proceed to state that it is based on what its own reporter has discovered concerning the case. A statement such as this at the start of an article would eliminate the dispute of YFP's accuracy, because it indicates that there may indeed be alternate sources with different stories.

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